Social Media Tea – a must follow for Social Media professionals
Aswin Lutchanah, Your Favourite Social Media Manager

Are you addicted to Social Media? Are you a Social Media professional? Or are you interested in working in Social Media? Are you intrigued? Fair enough. Let me introduce you to a beverage that will pacify your addiction to the social networks: Social Media Tea. ☕️
Social Media Tea is an Instagram account you must follow especially if you are a Social Media professional. On Insta, their username is @sippingsocialtea and their bio reads as follows:
Confessions of professionals working in #SocialMedia. Vent and feel lighter. Spill the tea via DM. All posts stay anonymous. ☕️ #SocialMediaTea
Social Media Tea
You’ve guessed it right. It’s an account where Social Media Managers share their frustrations anonymously; I’ve not sent anything yet but I’m sure it will come … You will smile, laugh and sometimes even curse cause you will relate to some/many/all? testimonials from your Social Media colleagues. Others will see the challenges we face in our daily business.
Besides, students at the university often tell me how wonderful my job is and how they love the positive vibes I spread. In contrast, this account will show you that even if I love my job, there is another side of the job which is not visible and takes a lot of time and energy. Moreover, I want you to be aware that before becoming a Social Media Manager, you need to know that it’s definitely not a nine to five job. It’s 24/7. Ready for this? Now, check my exclusive interview of Social Media Tea.
Social Media Tea’s first exclusive interview
I’m honoured and excited to be the first one to interview Social Media Tea which has grown considerably since it was launched less than one month ago and will definitely grow bigger in the weeks to come. Right now, they have 4.667 followers and have a following of 446. I’m sure you will follow and share their posts in your stories too. After publishing this article, I will probably do it too. I wanted the surprise to come from this article first … 😉
🤔 We still don’t know who is behind. Maybe, in the end, we will learn that it is Matt Navarra himself … Who knows?! It doesn’t really matter. How come you don’t know Matt Navarra? He is a famous Social Media leader. He’s another guy you need to follow in the Social Media World.
Coffee or Tea? (Sorry I had to ask … 😁)
I actually drink neither. Ha!
How were you inspired to create this Instagram account?
I’m friends and connected with a lot of other social media professionals, and the COVID-19 pandemic has been an especially stressful time for us. There’s been a lot of frustration over decisions and things we can’t necessarily control. I thought it would be nice if my peers had an outlet where they could anonymously vent while also shining a light on what it’s like to work in social media.
When was Social Media Tea created?
The first post was published on June 22, 2020. Never say that great things can’t happen on a Monday!
Why did you choose the name “Social Media Tea” & the account username @sippingsocialtea?
I didn’t want to overcomplicate the name and thought that Social Media Tea was simple and to the point. The handle was chosen based on availability because @socialmediatea was already taken!
How many people manage this account?
I run the Instagram account, but I tapped a friend of mine to help me run the Twitter account (@SippinSocialTea) and brainstorm around other ideas we have planned for Social Media Tea.
Could you tell us more about yourselves?
We both love social media and how it helps bring people together. The two of us have actually never met in person but are good friends thanks to social media. We don’t even live in the same state!
Are you Social Media professional(s)?
Yes, we are both social media professionals.
Why do you decide to stay anonymous?
It keeps the experience fun and stress-free for us to stay anonymous for now. Plus, I think it helps people feel more comfortable when they spill their tea if they don’t know who they’re spilling it to. That’s not to say that we’ll stay anonymous forever, though, but for now we’re happy staying unknown. We want the spotlight to be on Social Media Tea, not the people serving the tea.
Where are you located?
We’re both located in the United States.
How did your account jump in popularity? Was it thanks to the tweet of Matt Navarra?
Social Media Tea definitely has the support of Matt Navarra to thank for the overwhelming jump in popularity and following that the Instagram account recently experienced. His shout outs on multiple platforms had my phone lighting up nonstop for two days straight, and then he also featured the account in his weekly Geekout Newsletter which gave Social Media Tea another nice bump. There were also a lot of great social media professionals who work primarily in higher education and boosted the account following shortly after it launched.
What is your most liked post till now (17 July 2020)?
The most-liked Instagram post for Social Media Tea so far is one that I think fully embodies how a lot of social media professionals feel about their profession. So many people, even those who work in marketing and communications, think that social media is this instantaneous thing, but there’s a lot of strategy and thoughtfulness that has to go into each platform.
What would you like to tell Social Media Managers/professionals reading this?
Keep your head up, keep pushing for better content and better creative, and keep spilling the tea! There’s been a definite shift in how people view and value social media thanks to recent current events. Now is the time to air our grievances and make a sincere change in the industry.
If you liked this exclusive interview of Social Media Tea, please do share it on your social media channels. Sharing is caring! 😉
Stay tuned, I’m working on other exclusive content as well …
Smile. Create. Inspire. 💛
Take Care,